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GlycoMarine, a well researched natural anti-inflammatory compound, is a proprietary glycogen complex targeting arthritis pain and joint disease. Marine Nutriceutical Corporation has pooled a large body of laboratory and independent clinical research including double blind placebo controlled studies focused on GlycoMarine.

GlycoMarine is extracted form the New Zealand green lipped mussel, Perna canaliculus. At 18 months of age, the mussels are harvested exclusively from the Cromandel Coast. A liquid extract is obtained through a hydro-extraction process; the extract is snap-frozen and freeze-dried, producing the highest quality bioactive compound.

The product is extensively used for the treatment of rheumatoid and osteo forms of arthritic disorders in humans and animals. GlycoMarine is classified as a Nutriceutical and has the backing of 30 years of peer reviewed research to understand its pharmacological activity. It is an effective natural anti-inflammatory with chondroprotective and selective cyclo-oxygenase COX-2 inhibitory properties, allowing it to be used on a long term basis without the complication of adverse side effects.

With over 25 years of experience, scientists are now able to successfully determine this product's mode of action and efficacy. GlycoMarine is gastro-protective thus shielding the stomach from the potentially harmful effects of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Our product also uniquely exhibits chondroprotective properties, defending against cartilage degeneration and improving joint function. Used as either a complementary or alternative treatment, GlycoMarine is a valuable natural therapy.

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